教員 Professors
熱帯農学研究センター 国際開発部門
International Development Section, Institute of Tropical Agriculture
研究員 Researechers
大学院生/学部生/研究生 Students
地球社会統合科学府 Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society
- D3 古賀裕基/Koga Yuki
- D2 三柴 淳一/Mishiba Junichi(社会人/FOE Japan)
- D1 楊 嘉琪/(中国/ China)
- D1 王 一聰(中国 /China)
A Study on the Preferences and Motivations of Foreign Tourists Towards Cultural Tourist Attractions in Fukuoka, Japan
- M2 Alejandra Zamora (ペルー/Peru)(JICA SDGs course)
Consuetudinary practices of local communities as effective solutions for the conservation of andean-amazonian ecosystems in Peru
生物資源環境科学府 Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences
- M2 Ou Nary(カンボジア)(JICA JDS course)
Rubber agricultural cooperative role on luvelihood for its members in Mondulkiri Provice, Cambodia
- (森林政策学研究室・藤原敬大准教授主指導)
- M1 Phouangvone CHANTHAVICHIT (ラオス)(JICA JDS course)
Study on possibility for production of organic fartilizer as commodities in Lao PDR.
過去のメンバー Students/Researchers Graduated