Cooperative Researcher, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature(JFY2003 -JFY2005, JFY2014)
Fellow, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan(JFY2011 – Present)
Visiting Researcher, REDD Research and Development Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan (JFY2011 – JFY2014)
Collaborative Staff, Asia Conservation Ecology Center, Kyushu University (JFY2011 – JFY2013)
Advisor, The Global Environmental Forum, Japan (2013.09 – 2014.03)
Researcher, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan (1998.09-2011.03)
Part Time Lecturer, Rikkyo Graduate School of Intercultural Communication(JFY2010)
Agricultural Cooperative Researcher, The University of Tokyo(JFY2007 – JFY2009)
Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Forestry, National University of Laos(JFY2001 – JFY2003)
Cooperative Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan (JFY1999 – 2001)
Long Term JICA Expert, Department of Forestry, Laos (1996.07-1998.07)
Educational Background
2007: Ph.D. in Agriculture, The University of Tokyo, Japan
1993: MSc. in Bioresources, Mie University, Japan
1990: BA in Agriculture, Mie University, Japan
Research Area
Forest policy, Political Ecology, Southeast Asian Studies (Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar)
Selected Papers
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko (2015) “Laos: Local Communities and Involvement of External Stakeholders”, Multi-level Forest Governance in Asia: Concepts, Challenges and the Way Forward, SAGE Publication, 307-334.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko (2015) ”Forest Resources and Actor Relationships: A Study of Changes Caused by Plantations in Lao PDR”, Collaborative Governance of Forests:Towards Sustainable Forest Resource Utilization, UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO PRESS,199-221.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, SCHEYVENS Henry (2012) “Financing REDD-plus: A Review of Options and Challenges”, The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Managi S. ed., Routledge, pp.148-163
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko (2010) “‘Slippage’ in the Implementation of Forest Policy by Local Officials: A Case Study of a Protected Area management in Lao PDR”, Small- Scale Forestry 9(3), 349-367
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, SEKI Yoshiki, LOPEZ-CASERO Federico (2007) “Designing Forestation Models Suited to Rural Asia: Avoiding Land Conflict as a Key to Success”, IGES Policy Brief 6, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan: 8 pp.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, INOUE Makoto (2006) “The Significance of Social Capital in Local Forest Management in Laos: Overcoming Latent Conflict between Local People and Local Forestry Officials”, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 13(1), 16-24
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko (2005) “The “slippage” implementation of forest policies by local officials: A Case Study of the Protected Areas of Savannakhet Province in Lao P.D.R”, Proceedings of First International Conference on Lao Studies, Northern Illinoi University, USA: 14pp.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, KOTPHATHOUM Thananh (2004) “Impacts of Forest-related Policies on Local People in the Phou Xang He Protected Area, Savannakhet Province, Laos”, Towards Participatory Forest Management in Laos -Laos Country Report 2003-, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan:pp.28-43
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, KOTPHATHOUM Thananh (2003) “The Local Forest Management of National Bio-diversity Conservation Areas in Laos”, People and Forest – Policy and Local Reality in Southeast Asia, Fareast Russia, and Japan(Inoue M. and H. Isozaki eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.261-274
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko (2000) “External Constrains on Participation of Local People in Lao P.D.R”, Proceedings of 3rd IGES International Workshop on Forest Conservation Strategies for the Asia and Pacific Regions, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan. pp.123-130
Selected Presentations
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, The Opportunities and Challenges of REDD+ Demonstration Activities in Cambodia: From the Viewpoints of Social Safeguard, International Workshop on Evaluating Market-Driven Natural Resource Management in the Tropics – Case studies of Forest Certification Schemes, REDD+, and PES in Southeast Asia,The Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)Kyoto, Japan, 2015.06.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko ,IWANAGA Seiji, YOKOTA yasuhiro “For enhancing social safeguards effectively in REDD-plusA comparison of three major REDD+ safeguard initiatives through existing literatures”, International Workshop on REDD+ and Sustainable Land use Management in Myanmar (Naypiydaw Myanmar) 2014.12.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, REDD-plus and sustainable forestry in Cambodia, “First International Symposium on the Decision Science for a Sustainable Society“, Kyushu University Graduate Education and Research Training Program in Decision Science for Sustainable Society, Hotel Okura, Fukuoka, Japan. 2014.03.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, Land and forest use right for social safeguard of REDD+, International Conference 2013 “REDD+ Safeguards Fundamental; not an add-on“, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, International House of Japan, Tokyo, Japan. 2013.12.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, Social Safeguard on REDD-plus Demonstration activities in Cambodia, Asia Forest Workshop 2013 in Cambodia, Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia , 2013.12
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, Land and Forest Use by Local Communities and the Involvement of External Stakeholders – Case Study of Protected Area in Laos, The 1st Asia Parks Congress, Sendai International Center, Japan. 2013.11.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, Land and forest use right for social safeguard of REDD+ – Case study in Cambodia -, International Workshop of REDD+ social /environment safeguards –Possibility and challenges to develop SIS based on scientific approach, REDD+ Safeguard Research Consortium, Kaiun Kaikan, Japan. 2013.10.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, Safeguard issue on climate change and tropical forest management, International Symposium on Southeast Asian Tropical Rain Forest Research related with Climate Change and Biodiversity, Hiroshima University and National Institute for Environmental Studies, Campus Innovation Center, Tokyo, Japan. 2012,09.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, Opportunities and Risks of REDD-plus and REDD-plus progress in Laos, IInternational Symposium on Rethinking Ecosystem Services in the Context of Montane Region in Mainland Southeast Asia, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Lao PDR, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN),Center for Southeast Asian Studies of Kyoto University, Nagoya University Global COE Program, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), NAFRI, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 2011.06.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, Forest management towards participatory way, Summer training course on Development within a low carbon world: Participatory Approaches in Planning and Implementing Climate Change Policies, Hiroshima University/ Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, 2010.08.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, Visualization of forest resources in Laos, Understanding the Contemporary Environmental Matters in Mainland Southeast Asia, Nagoya University Global COE International Workshop, Nagoya University Global COE Program from Earth System Science to Basic and Clinical Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan, 2009.12.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, Land use change caused by plantation program in Laos、”Dynamics of nature and livelihood in Laos” study group, Kyoto University, 2008.07.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko、”The “slippage” implementation of forest policies by local officials: A Case Study of the Protected Areas of Savannakhet Province in Lao P.D.R”、First International Conference on Laos Studies(Northern Illinoi University, USA, 2005.05.20.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko, INOUE Makoto, MORIMOTO Takashi, ISHIKAWA Miyuki、”Participatory Action Research as a Tool for Collaboration among Local Stakeholders and Scientists (3) -Lessons from Laos”、The 115th annual meeting of Japanese Forest Society, The University of Tokyo, 2004.04.02.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko、”Participatory Forest Management in Lao P.D.R.-Case study on Conservation Forest”、22nd World Bank Institute-FASID Joint Seminar, World Bank Institute and FASID, Bogor, Indonesia, 2001.3.28.
HYAKUMURA Kimihiko、”External Constrains on Participation of Local People in Lao P.D.R”、3rd IGES International Workshop on Forest Conservation Strategies for the Asia and Pacific Regions, IGES, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 1999.10.
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